Tuesday, 7 May 2013

It's not right but we do it anyway!

The things we're not really meant to do with our hair but do it anyway...
1. Brush it when it's wet! Lets be honest we lost that wide tooth comb years ago...
(picture credit webmd.com)
2. Pick split ends. How come something we know is bad is so satisfying?!
(picture credit tbhairny.blogspot.com)
3. Straighten it. EVERYDAY. No one wants to be THAT person with the hair wings after all!
(avaliable from GHD )
4. Play with our hair. Yes it makes it greasy, yes it means we have to wash it more but when there's nothing else to do or your meant to be doing work...
(picture credit business insider )
5. Use the wrong shampoo/conditioner. If your already IN the shower and theres some in there it just seems like too much of a hassle.
(picture credit icanhascheeseburger )
6. Cut our own fringes. It always ends in tears yet some how we never, ever learn!
(picture credit .lovelyish.com)

7. Ask our friends to help sort out our roots. How come even though they can see the back of your head they still miss a bit?!

(picture credit guidespot)

8. Letting our color fade dramatically before recoloring. It's just SOOOO much of an effort!

(picture credit posh24)

9. Never doing the allergic reaction test before we color. It'll be fine won't it?!
(picture credit killerstrands)
10. Filling our hair with dry shampoo for the SECOND day in a row. What?! It's summer, there's no time to worry about the fro!
Next blog entry will be on tools everyone needs to get salon perfect hair & a how to guide on the perfect straight blowdry!

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